Emile DeVito, Ph.D., Manager of Science and Stewardship for the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, will be the featured speaker at the Friends of Princeton Open Space 2012 Annual Meeting onSunday April 29th at 3:00 PM at Mountain Lakes House. He will speak on “Using Shade to Restore the Forest Floor.”
“Our state and region are facing critical forest management issues and Dr. DeVito is a leader in helping to inform and shape public policy.” said Wendy Mager, FOPOS president. “His talk on restoring the forest floor will be of special interest to the Princeton community, where we are working actively to provide effective stewardship for our more than 1,000 acres of preserved woods and fields. ”
Mountain Lakes House is located at 57 Mountain Ave, Princeton. Following the meetings, refreshments will be served, and Dr. Devito and AeLin Compton, Natural Resources Manager for Friends of Princeton Open Space, will lead a walk in Mountain Lakes Preserve and adjacent Tusculum.
Anyone Wishing to attend is urged to RSVP by April 23 — phone (609) 921-2772.
Dr. DeVito received his doctorate in Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1988 for research on bird communities and vegetation landscapes in New Jersey’s Pine Barrens. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Zoology from Rutgers University. Dr. Devito develops management plans designed to protect and enhance biological diversity for NJCF’s 20,000-plus acres of holdings. He is a trustee of the Pinelands Preservation Alliance and the NJ Natural Lands trust, and serves on the Endangered and Non-Game Species Advisory Committee within the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife; the New Jersey Invasive Species Council; and the Science Advisory Committee of the NY-NJ Trail Conference.